Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Berna A. Uzundağ, Sümeyye Koşkulu-Sancar, Küntay (2024). Background TV and infant-family interactions: Insights from home observations.
Küntay, A.C. (2023). Book review of Studies in Turkish as a Heritage Language, edited by Fatih Bayram. Heritage Language Journal.
Yavuz, M., Küntay, A.C., Brouwer, S. (2023). The effect of foreign language and psychological distance on moral judgment in Turkish–English bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 10.1017/S1366728923000706.
Ger, E., Küntay, A.C., Ertaş, S., Koşkulu-Sancar, S., Liszkowski, U. (2023). Correlates of infant pointing frequency in the first year. Infancy, 10.1111/infa.12560.
İleri, Ç. İ., Erşan, M., Kalaça, D., Coşkun, A., Göksun, T., Küntay, A.C. (2023). Malleability of spatial skills: Bridging developmental psychology and toy design for joyful STEAM development. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1137004.
Ertaş, S., Koşkulu-Sancar, S., Ger, E., Liszkowski, Küntay, A.C. (2023). Relation of infants’ and mothers’ pointing to infants’ vocabulary measured directly and with parental reports, Infancy, 28(6), 1007-1020. 10.1111/infa.12558.
Blom, E., Boerma, T., Karaca, F., de Jong, J., Küntay, A.C. (2022). Grammatical development in both languages of bilingual Turkish-Dutch children with and without Developmental Language Disorder, Frontiers in Communication 7, 1059427.
Dolscheid, S., Çelik, S., Erkan, H., Küntay, A.C., Majid, A. (2022). Children’s associations between space and pitch are differentially shaped by language. Developmental Science, e13341.
Lester, N.A., Moran, S., Küntay, A.C., Allen, S.E.M., Pfeiler, B., Stoll, S. (2022). Detecting structured repetition in child-surrounding speech: Evidence from maximally diverse languages. Cognition 221, 104986.
Özge, D., Kornfilt, J., Maquate, K., Küntay, A.C., Snedeker, J. (2022). German-speaking children use sentence-initial case marking for predictive language processing at age four. Cognition 221, 104988.
Özkan, D., Küntay, A.C., Brouwer, S. (2022). The role of verbal and working memory skills in Turkish-speaking children’s morphosyntactic prediction. Applied Psycholinguistics 43 (6), 1305-1328.
Ger, E., Küntay, A.C., Göksun, T., Stoll, S., Daum, M.M. (2022). Do typological differences in languages influence preschool children’s causal event construal? Language and Cognition 14, 161-184.
Uzundağ, B.A., Taşçı, S.S., Küntay, A.C., Ayhan, A. (2022). Functions of Turkish evidentials in early child–caregiver interactions: a growth curve analysis of longitudinal data–CORRIGENDUM. Journal of Child Language, 1-1
Ger, E., You, G., Küntay, A.C., Göksun, T., Stoll, S., Daum, M.M. (2022). General route to productivity: Evidence form Turkish morphological causatives. Cognitive Science, 46, e13210.
Kanero, J., Oranç, C., Koşkulu, S., Kumkale G.T., Göksun, T. and Küntay, A.C. (2022). Are tutor robots for everyone? the influence of attitudes, anxiety, and personality on robot-led language learning. International Journal of Social Robotics, 14, 297-312.
Şen, H.H., Küntay, A.C., Kumkale, T.G. (2021). Peer persuasion strategies during rule following in 4‐to 6‐year‐olds. Social Development 30 (4), 957-972.
Acar-Güneş, N., Alp, E., Küntay, A.C., Koç-Aksu, A. (2021). Contribution of working memory to gesture production in toddlers. Cognitive Development 60, 101113
Ger, E., Stuber, L., Küntay, A.C., Göksun, T., Stoll, S., Daum, M.M. (2021). Influence of causal language on causal reasoning: A comparison of Swiss-German and Turkish. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 210, 105182.
Koşkulu, S., Küntay, A.C., Liszkowski, U., Uzundağ, B.A. (2021). Number and type of toys affect joint attention of mothers and infants. Infant Behavior and Development 64, 101589.
Koşkulu, S., Küntay, A.C., Uzundağ, B.A. (2021). Maternal behaviours mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status and joint attention. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 75, 101291.
Kanero, J., Tunalı, E.T., Oranç, C., Göksun, T. and Küntay, A.C. (2021). When even a robot tutor zooms: A study of embodiment, attitudes, and impressions. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 679893.
Demir-Lira, Ö.E., Kanero, J., Oranç, C., Koşkulu, S., Franko, I., Göksun, T. and Küntay, A.C. (2020), L2 vocabulary teaching by social robots: The role of gestures and on-screen cues as scaffolds. Frontiers in Education, 5:599-636. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2020.599636
Oranç, C., Baykal, G. E. and Kanero, J., and Küntay, A.C. and Göksun, T. (2020). A look into the future: how digital tools advance language development. In Rohlfing, Katharina J. and Müller-Brauers, Claudia, (eds.) International Perspectives on Digital Media and Early Literacy: The Impact of Digital Devices on Learning, Language Acquisition and Social Interaction. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780429321399.
Oranç, C & Küntay, A.C. (2020). Children’s perception of social robots as a source of information across different domains of knowledge. Cognitive Development, 54,
Dolscheid, S., Çelik, S., Erkan, H., Küntay, A.C. and Majid, A. (2020). Space-pitch associations differ in their susceptibility to language. Cognition, Vol: 196.
Vogt, P., Berghe, R., Haas, M., Hoffman, L., Kanero, J., Mamus, E., Montanier, J.M., Oranc, C., Oudgenoeg-Paz, O., Hernandez, D., Papadopoulosk, F., Schodde, T., Verhagen, J., Wallbridgek, C.D., Willemsen, B., Wit, J., Belpaemek, T., Göksun, T., Kopp, S., Krahmer, E., , Küntay, A.C., Leseman, P. and Pandey, A.K. (2019). Second Language Tutoring Using Social Robots: A Large-Scale Study. 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Daegu, Korea (South), pp. 497-505, doi: 10.1109/HRI.2019.8673077.
Verhagen, J., Berghe, R., Oudgenoeg-Paz O, Küntay, A.C. and Leseman, P. (2019). Children’s reliance on the non-verbal cues of a robot versus a human. Plos One, 14(12).
Moran, S., Lester, N. A., Gordon, H., Küntay, A.C, Pfeiler, B., Allen, S. and Stoll, S. (2019). Variation Sets in Maximally Diverse Languages. Proceedings of the 43rd annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. pp: 427-440.
Özkan, D., Uzundağ, B. and Küntay, A.C. (2019). Learning Language is Learning Typology: Acquisition of argument structure and relative clauses in typologically diverse languages. In J. Horst & J. von Koss Torkildsen (eds.) International Handbook of Language Acquisition. Routledge.
Brouwer, S., Özkan, D., Küntay, A.C. (2019). Verb-based prediction during language processing: The case of Dutch and Turkish. Journal of Child Language 46(1), 80-97.
Uzundag, B. A. & Küntay, A. C. (2019). The acquisition and use of relative clauses in Turkish-learning children’s conversational interactions: A crosslinguistic approach. Journal of Child Language 45 (4), 878-889. doi:10.1017/S030500091900045X
Oranç, C. & Küntay, A.C. (2019). Learning from the real and the virtual worlds: Educational use of augmented reality in early childhood. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 21, 104-111,
Özge, D., Küntay, A. & Snedeker, J. (2019). Why wait for the verb? Turkish speaking children use case markers for incremental language comprehension. Cognition 183, 152-180. Doi:
Moran, S., Blasi, E.D., Schikowski, R., Küntay, A.C., Pfeiler, B., Allen, S. & Stoll, S. (2018). A universal cue for grammatical categories in the input to children: Frequent frames. Cognition, 175, 131–140.
Ateş, B.Ş. & Küntay, A.C. (2018). Referential interactions of Turkish-learning children with their caregivers about non-absent objects: integration of non-verbal devices and prior discourse. Journal of Child Language, 45(1), 148-173
Ateş, B.Ş. & Küntay, A., (2018). Socio-pragmatic skills underlying language development: Boundaries between typical and atypical development. In A. Bar-On & D. Ravid (Eds.), Handbook of Communication Disorders: Theoretical, Empirical, and Applied Linguistic Perspectives. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Ger, E., Altınok, N., Liszkowski, U. & Küntay, A.C. (2018). Development of Infant Pointing from 10 to 12 months: The Role of Relevant Caregiver Responsiveness. Infancy. 1-22.
Uzundağ, A.B., Taşçı, S.S., Küntay, A.C. & Aksu-Koç, A. (2018). Functions of Turkish evidentials in early child–caregiver interactions: a growth curve analysis of longitudinal data. Journal of Child Language. pp:1-22.
Uzundağ, A.B. & Küntay, A.C. (2018). Children’s referential communication skills: The role of cognitive abilities and adult models of speech. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 172: 73-95.
Kanero, J., Geçkin, V., Oranç, C., Mamus, E., Küntay, A.C. & Göksun, T. (2018). Social robots for early language: Current evidence and future directions. Child Development Perspectives. 12(3), pp: 146-151.
Belpaeme, T., Vogt, P., Van den Berghe, R., Bergmann, K., Göksun, T., De Haas, M., Kanero, J., Kennedy, J., Küntay A.C., Oudgenoeg-Paz, O., Papadopoulos, F., Schodde, T., Verhagen, J., Wallbridge, C.D, Willemsen, B., De Wit, J., Geçkin, V. & Hoffmann, L. (2018). Guidelines for designing social robots as second language tutors. International Journal of Social Robotics. 10: 325–341.
Ateş, B.Ş. & Küntay, A.C. (2018). Referential interactions of Turkish-learning children with their caregivers about non-absent objects: integration of non-verbal devices and prior discourse. Journal of Child Language, 45(1), 148-173.
Şen, H.H. & Küntay, A.C. (2018). Nonverbal markers of lying during children’s collective interviewing with friends. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. pp. 1–19.
Verhagen, J., Grassmann, S. & Küntay, A.C. (2017). Monolingual and bilingual children's resolution of referential conflicts: Effects of bilingualism and relative language proficiency. Cognitive Development. 41: 10-18.
Veryeri I. A. & Küntay, A.C. (2017). Early education in literacy in Turkey in comparison to the Balkan countries. In N. Kucirkova, C. Snow, V. Grover, C. Mcbridge (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Early Literacy Education. Taylor and Francis. pp:150-160
Brouwer, S., Özkan, D. & Küntay, A.C. (2017). Semantic prediction in monolingual and bilingual children. Cross-linguistic Influence in Bilingualism. 52: 49-74. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Uzundağ, B., Taşçı, S.S. & Küntay, A.C. (2017). Nonfactual meanings in early use of evidentials in Turkish child-caregiver interactions. In F. N. Ketrez, A.C. Küntay, Ş. Özçalışkan, & A. Özyürek (eds). Social environment and cognition in language development: Studies in honor of Ayhan Aksu-Koç.TiLAR Series (Trends in Language Acquisition Research). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp: 167-177.
Köksal S.A. & Küntay, A.C. (2017). Oyun ve dil gelişimi (Play and language development). In Dost-Gözkan, A., Kafescioğlu, N., & Tahiroğlu, D. (eds.) Gelişim psikolojisi ve terapi perspektifinden oyun. İstanbul: Özyeğin University Press.
Ateş, B.Ş., Demir, Ö.E., Küntay, A.C. (2016). Children's referential choices in Turkish: Experimentally elicited and conversationally occasioned determinants. In B. Haznedar & F.N. Ketrez (eds). The acquisition of Turkish in childhood. pp. 153-175. Amsterdam: JohnBenjamins.
Ateş, B,Ş. & Küntay, A.C. (2016). Sosyal-edimsel dil ve iletişim becerilerinin gelişimi: Bebeklikte tipik ve atipik sosyal-bilişsel süreçler (Development of social-pragmatic competence: Typical and atypical processes in infancy). In M. Irak (ed.) Davranış Bozuklukları ve Biliş. pp. 97-138. Istanbul: Bahçeşehir University Press.
Uzundağ, B. & Küntay, A.C. (2016). İki dillilik gelişen zihni farklı şekillendirir mi? (Does bilingualism shape the developing mind differently?). In Ç Aydın, T. Göksun, A.C. Küntay, D. Tahiroğlu (eds.) Aklın Çocuk Hali: Zihin Gelişimi Araştırmaları.pp. 41-67. Istanbul: Koç University Publications.
Veryeri, I. A. & Küntay, A. C. (2016). Türkiye’de 0-3 yaş aralığındaki bebek ve çocukların kitapla tanıştırılması (Introducing books to children ages 0 to 3 in Turkey). In Bettina Kümmerling (ed.). Erken Okur-Yazarlık: 0-3 Yaş Arası Çocuk Kitapları. pp: 9-28. Istanbul: Koç University Publications.
Ateş, B.Ş. & Küntay, A.C. (2015). Children's sensitivity to caregiver cues and the role of adult feedback in the development of referential communication. In L. Serratrice and S. Allen (eds.) The acquisition of reference. pp. 241-262. TiLAR Series (Trends in Language Acquisition Research). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Sarilar, A., Matthews, D. & Küntay, A.C. (2015). Hearing relative clauses boosts relative clause usage (and referential clarity) in young Turkish language learners. Applied Psycholinguistics, 36, pp. 175-202.
Dost-Özkan, A. & Küntay, A.C. (2015). Linguistic representation of emotion terms: Variation with respect to self-construals and education. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 17, pp. 277-285.
Blom, E., Küntay, A.C., Messer, M., Verhagen, J. & Leseman, P. (2014). The benefits of being bilingual: Working memory in bilingual Turkish-Dutch Children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 128, pp. 105-119.
Demir, Ö., & Küntay, A. (2014). Narrative development. In P. Brooks, & V. Kempe (Eds.), Encyclopedia of language development. (Vol. 13, pp. 394-398). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi:
Demir, Ö.E. & Küntay, A.C. (2014), Cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying socioeconomic gradients in language development: New answers to old questions. Child Development Perspectives, 8: 113–118. doi: 10.1111/cdep.12069.
Küntay, A.C., & Özge, D. (2014). Word order as a structural cue and word ordering as an interactional process in early language learning. In Arnon, I., Casillas, M., Kurumada, C. & Estigarribia, B. (eds.) Language in interaction: Studies in honor of Eve V. Clark (pp. 231-250). TiLAR Series (Trends in Language Acquisition Research), Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Baydar. N., Küntay, A. C., Aydemir, N., Çankaya, D., Gökşen, F., Cemalcılar (2014). “It takes a village” to support the vocabulary development of children with multiple risk factors. Developmental Psychology, 50, 1014-1025.
Küntay, A.C., Nakamura,K. & Ateş Şen, B. (2014). Crosslinguistic and crosscultural approaches to pragmatic development. In D. Matthews (ed.) Pragmatic development in first language acquisition (pp. 317-342). TiLAR Series (Trends in Language Acquisition Research), Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Furman, R., Küntay, A.C., & Ozyurek, A. (2014). Early language-specificity of children's event encoding in speech and gesture: Evidence from caused motion in Turkish. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 29, 620-634. doi:10.1080/01690965.2013.824993.
Köymen, B. & Küntay, A.C. (2013). Turkish children’s conversational oppositions. Usage of two discourse markers. Discourse Processes, 50:6, 388-406.
Candan, A., Küntay, A.C., Cheung, H., Wagner, L. & Naigles, L. (2012). Language and age effects in processing of word order. Cognitive Development, 27(3), 205-222.
Demir, E. & Küntay, A.C. (2012). Dil ve iletişim becerilerinin gelişiminde anababalık etkileri. (Influences of parents on the development of language and communication skills). In M. Sayıl & B. Yağmurlu, Anababalık. Koç University Press.
Küntay, A.C. (2011). Crosslinguistic research. In Erika Hoff (Ed.) The Blackwell guide to research methods in child language. Wiley-Blackwell.
Sarılar, A., & Küntay, A.C. (2011). Training young learners in referential communication: Relative clause constructions. In E. Erguvanlı Taylan & B. Rona (Eds.) Puzzles of language: Essays in honour of Karl Zimmer (pp. 121-135). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
Ural, A. E., Yüret, D., Ketrez, N., Koçbaş, D., & Küntay, A.C. (2009). Morphological cues vs. number of nominals in learning verb types in Turkish: The syntactic bootstrapping mechanism revisited. Language and Cognitive Processes, 24, 1393-1405.
Bahtiyar, S. & Küntay, A.C. (2009). Integration of Communicative Partner’s Visual Perspective in Patterns of Referential Requests. Journal of Child Language, 36, 529-555.
Küntay, A. C. (2009). Microgenesis of narrative competence during preschool interactions: Effects of the relational context. In A. Aksu-Koç & S. Bekman (Eds.) Perspectives on human development, family and culture. Essays in honor of Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı (pp. 178-193). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Küntay, A. C., & Koçbaş, D. (2009). Effects of lexical items and construction types in English and Turkish character introductions in elicited narrative. In J. Guo, E. Lieven, N. Budwig, S. Ervin-Tripp, K. Nakamura & S. Ozcaliskan (Eds.) Crosslinguistic approaches to the psychology of language (pp. 81-92). New York, NY: Psychology Press. Taylor and Francis Group.
Baydar, N., Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç, Küntay, A.C., & Gökşen, F. (2008). Effects of an educational television program on preschoolers: Variability in benefits, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 29, 349-360.
Göksun, T., Küntay, A.C., & Naigles, L. R. (2008). Turkish children use morphosyntactic bootstrapping in interpreting verb meaning. Journal of Child Language, 35, 291-323.
Küntay, A.C., & Özyürek, A. (2006). Learning attentional contrasts in using demonstratives in conversation: What do language-specific strategies in Turkish reveal? Journal of Child Language, 33, p. 303-320.
Küntay, A. C., & Ahtam, B. (2004). Annelerin çocuklarıyla geçmiş hakkındaki konuşmalarının anne eğitim düzeyiyle ilişkisi (The role of maternal education in talk about the past in mother-child interactions). Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 19 (54), 19-31.
Küntay, A.C. (2004) Lists as alternative discourse structures to narratives in preschool children’s conversations. Discourse Processes, 38, 95-118.
Küntay, A.C., Gülgöz, S., & Tekcan, A.İ. (2004). Disputed memories of twins: How ordinary are they? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 18, 405-413.
Küntay, A., Nakamura, K. (2004). Linguistic strategies serving evaluative functions: A comparison between Japanese and Turkish narratives. In S. Strömqvist, & L. Verhoeven (Eds.) Relating events in narrative, Volume 2: Typological and contextual perspectives (pp. 329-358). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Küntay, A.C., & Şenay, İ. (2003). Narratives beget narratives: Rounds of stories in Turkish preschool conversations. Journal of Pragmatics, 35, pp. 559-587.
İkier, S., Tekcan, A., Gülgöz, S., & Küntay, A.C. (2003). Whose life is it anyway? Adoption of each other’s autobiographical memories in twins. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 17, pp. 237-247.
Küntay, A.C. (2002) Development of the expression of indefiniteness: Presenting new referents in Turkish picture-series stories. Discourse Processes, 33, 77-101.
Küntay, A.C. & Slobin, D.I. (2002). Putting interaction back into child language: Examples from Turkish. Psychology of Language and Communication, 6, 5-14.
Küntay, A.C. (2001). Occasions for providing resolutions (or not) in Turkish preschool conversations. Narrative Inquiry, 411-450.
Inkelas, S., Hansson, G., Küntay, A., & Orgun, O. (2001). Labial Attraction in Turkish: An Empirical Perspective. Turkic Languages, 5, 169-197.
Inkelas, S., Küntay, A., Sprouse, R., & Orgun, O. (2000). Turkish Electronic Living Lexicon (TELL). Turkic Languages¸4, 253-275.
Küntay, A. C. (1999). How do Turkish preschoolers anchor referents in conversational extended discourse? Psychology of language and communication, 3, 2, pp. 83-90.
Küntay, A., & Slobin, D.I. (1999). The acquisition of Turkish as a native language: A research review. Turkic Languages, 3(2), 151-188.
Küntay, A., & Ervin-Tripp, S. (1997). Narrative structure and conversational circumstances. Journal of Narrative and Life History 7 (1-4), 113-120.
Ervin-Tripp, S., & Küntay, A. (1997). The occasioning and structure of conversational stories. In T. Givón (Ed.) Conversation: Cognitive, communicative and social perspectives (pp. 133-166). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Küntay, A., & Slobin, D.I. (1996). Listening to a Turkish mother: Some puzzles for acquisition. In D.I. Slobin, J. Gerhardt, A. Kyratzis, & J. Guo (Eds.) Social interactions, social context, and language (pp. 265-286). Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Books (co-edited)
Ketrez, N., Küntay, A.C., Özçalışkan, Ş., & Özyürek, A. (2017). Social environment and cognition in language development: Studies in honor of Ayhan Aksu-Koç. Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 21, John Benjamins.
Aydın, Ç., Göksun, T., Küntay, A.C., Tahiroğlu, D. (2016). Aklın Çocuk Hali: Zihin Gelişimi Araştırmaları. Istanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları.
Proceedings (peer-reviewed)
Ertaş, S., Koşkulu, S., Ger, E., Koşkulu, S., Küntay, A.C. (2021). Relation of Infants' and Mothers' Pointing to Infants' Word Comprehension and Latency to Find Referents. Proceedings of BUCLD (Boston University Conference on Child Language Development).
Uzundag, B. A., Tasci, S. S., Küntay, A. C., & Aksu-Koç, A. (2016). Functions of evidentials in Turkish child and child-directed speech in early child-caregiver interactions. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 403-416). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Özge, D., Kornfilt, J., Münster, K., Knoeferle, P. Küntay, A., Snedeker, J. (2016). Predictive use of case markers in German children. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 291-303). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Belpaeme, T., Vogt, P., Kopp, S., Leseman, P., Küntay, A.C., Göksun, T., Pandey, A. (2015). L2TOR: Second language tutoring using social robots. Position paper accepted for First International Workshop on Educational Robots (Wonder 2015).
Blom, E., Küntay, A.C., Messer, M., Verhagen, J. & Leseman, P. (2014). Do bilingual Turkish-Dutch children show working memory benefits despite lower linguistic proficiency? Proceedings of the 38th Annual Boston University Conference on Child Language Development (pp. 64-76), Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Wang, H., Höhle, B., Ketrez, F. N., Küntay, A.C. & Mintz, T. H. (2011). Cross-linguistic distributional analyses with frequent frames: the cases of German and Turkish. In Proceedings of the 35thAnnual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 628-640). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Naigles, L., Reynolds, C. & Küntay, A.C. (2011). In N. Danis, K. Mesh & H. Sung (Eds.) 2- and 3-Year-Olds’ sensitivity to pronoun Case in English sentence comprehension. Proceedings Supplement of the Boston University Conference on Child Language Development 35,
Furman, R., Özyürek, A., & Küntay, A. C. (2010). Early language-specificity in Turkish children’s motion expressions in speech and gesture. In K. Franich, K. M. Iserman, and L. L. Keil (Eds.) Proceedings of the 34thAnnual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 126-137). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Acarlar, F., Aksu-Koç, A., Küntay, A.C., Maviş, İ., Sofu, H., Topbaş, S., Turan, F. (2009). Adapting MB-CDI to Turkish: The first phase. In S. Ay, Ö. Aydın., İ. Ergenç, S. Gökmen, S. İşsever, and D. Peçenel (Eds.) Essays on Turkish linguistics: Proceedings of the 14thInternational Conference on Turkish Linguistics, August 6-8, 2008. Harrassowitz Verlag: Wiesbaden, Germany.
Yüret, D., Ural, A. E., Ketrez, F. N., Koçbaş, D. & Küntay, A. C. (2009). Morphological cues vs. number of nominals in learning verb types in Turkish: Syntactic bootstrapping mechanism revisited. In J. Chandlee, M. Franchini, and M. Rheiner (Eds.) A Supplement to the Proceedings of the 33rd Boston University Conference on Language Development.
Küntay, A. C., & Bahtiyar, S.A., Sungur, H., & Özdamar, Ö. (2008). Requestive speech leads to referential clarity in Turkish preschool children. In H. Chan, H. Jacob, and E. Kapia (Eds.) Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 239-250). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Bahtiyar, S. A., & Küntay, A. C. (2007). Preschool children can assess common ground: Effect of (in)definiteness status of referential terms. In H. Caunt-Nulton, S. Kulatilake, and I. Woo (Eds.) Proceedings of the 31st Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development(pp. 70-80). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Naigles, L., R., Küntay, A. C., Göksun, T., & Lee, J. N. (2006). Language-specific properties influence children’s acquisition of argument structure. In D. Bamman, T. Magnitskaia, & C. Zaller (Eds.) Proceedings of the 30th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 388-398). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Demir, E.Ö., Küntay, A.C., & Özyürek, A. (2005). Görme engelli Türk çocuklarının ve annelerinin işaret zamiri kullanımı: Dokunsal ortak dikkat. 2. Ulusal Dil ve Konuşma Bozuklukları Kongresi Bildiri Kitabi (Seyhun Topbaş, Ed.), 2005, Ankara: Kök Yayıncılık.
Zimmer, K., & Küntay, A.C. (2003). Turkish Internal Vowel Harmony Revisited. In A. S. Özsoy, D. Akar, M. Nakipoğlu-Demiralp, E. Eser Erguvanlı-Taylan, A. Aksu-Koç (Eds.). Studies in Turkish Linguistics (pp. 27-33). Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press.
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